He is risen Jesus livesThe flowers of God’s creation
Live out their little day.
They bless us with their beauty
And quickly fade away,
And from their seeds or cuttings
New blossoms soon unfold,
And in their sweet renewal
A deeper truth is told.

The fairest Flower of heaven
Was planted on this earth.
He blessed us with His goodness
From the moment of His birth.
We took Him and we crushed Him.
His sinless blood we shed.
We turned our backs and scorned Him
And gave Him up as dead. read more


Becoming a new life in Christ


Oh, poor little creature thrust into the world
With fragile feelers and wings half-furled,
Fearing the unknown, dreading so soon
The challenge of life outside the cocoon. read more


God’s word is more precious than silver or gold
And cannot be stolen away.
It quickens and nurtures our re-born spirits
And teaches us wisdom each day.
God’s word is a light and a lamp in our darkness;
Unerring the truth it imparts.
It’s a blue-print, a map, a book of instruction
And a letter of love to our hearts.
Let us feed on the milk and the meat of His word
Which sustain us and minister grace,
By faith drawing comfort, refuge and strength
As we patiently run life’s race.

© Nesta F Sutherland read more