Thank you LordIt seems three words forever I must be bound to speak;
There’s not a day that passes but they’re said.
They greet each new-born morning, and bid farewell to night,
When gratefully I rest my weary head – thank You Lord.

Sometimes in tears of sorrow, amid some fiery trial
These words are whispered haltingly and faint.
Oft’ times they’re almost shouted in vibrant tones of joy
Without the slightest effort or restraint – thank You Lord. read more


political correctnessPolitical correctness in all we do and say
And anti-discrimination, are the order of our day.
Now Christmas is being stripped of every spiritual connotation
Lest someone should be offended to think of us as a Christian nation.

If we take the Christ from Christmas what is left to make us glad?
If all we have is MAS it is meaningless and sad!
The sinless Babe who was born in Bethlehem’s manger was God’s own Son.
Just stop and think what we would have missed if Jesus had not come read more


He is risen Jesus livesThe flowers of God’s creation
Live out their little day.
They bless us with their beauty
And quickly fade away,
And from their seeds or cuttings
New blossoms soon unfold,
And in their sweet renewal
A deeper truth is told.

The fairest Flower of heaven
Was planted on this earth.
He blessed us with His goodness
From the moment of His birth.
We took Him and we crushed Him.
His sinless blood we shed.
We turned our backs and scorned Him
And gave Him up as dead. read more


Father forgive them
Father forgive them

They dragged Him out through the city gates.
I saw the women crying.
I heard the jeers that fell like blows
On this One they were crucifying.

Compelled to carry His own cross
He fell beneath the weight,
No doubt weakened through loss of blood
And wounds of spiteful hate. read more

Category: Easter | LEAVE A COMMENT


How do we keep Christmas holy
In our world of violence and scorn?

Commemorate the manger
Where God in flesh was born.
Meditate on Calvary’s cross
Where His sinless flesh was torn.
Celebrate the empty tomb
And resurrection morn! read more


foot of the crossDear child, this time of darkness and trial
Through which you are passing
Is the valley of loss.
I keep your tears. I treasure your trust
As you pour out your grief
At the foot of the cross.

There is One who has trodden this valley before you,
Relinquishing all
As He suffered and died
Becoming a living way of redemption
For all His beloved.
He walks by your side. read more


light for the world
A light in the darkness


The old lamp-lighter In the dusk of days gone by Would trudge the streets His taper held aloft, And as he touched each waiting lamp Through the gloom there appeared Little moons of gaslight Warm and soft. At night, as those in peril Upon the darkened streets Would grope their way Through shadows thick and deep, They surely breathed a silent ‘thanks’ For the lighter of the lamps And the faithful nightly vigil He would keep. In our darkened sinful world Where wretchedness abounds, Where souls are lost And perilous their plight, The Spirit of God in faithfulness His ministry performs, Touching hearts With the taper of truth and light.
light of the world, jesus light of te world
Jesus – Light of the world
So let us all be thankful As Christmas comes again, To God, who stooped and gave Through humble birth A Light to lead all nations, A Lamp to guide the way Of every living soul Upon the earth. (c) Nesta F Sutherland “Then Jesus spoke … saying ‘I am the Light of the world’.” John 8:12

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Do we have cause for hope and peace, For love and Christmas cheer In a world gone mad it seems, With senseless acts of terror and fear?
Birth of our Savior
Birth of our Savior

Only as we look to Bethlehem,

And the cross of Calvary Where Jesus Christ God’s Son Lay down His life to set us free – Free from the power and the penalty Of life-destroying sin, Free to trust the living God And to know His peace within, To receive His gift of eternal life Which cannot be snatched away By any act of mortal man To threaten, come what may. Hope and peace and love may be found Afresh, this Christmas Day Through simple faith in Jesus Christ God’s true and living way. (c) Nesta F Sutherland 2014 “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us …” Titus 2:13&14

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