Thank you LordIt seems three words forever I must be bound to speak;
There’s not a day that passes but they’re said.
They greet each new-born morning, and bid farewell to night,
When gratefully I rest my weary head – thank You Lord.

Sometimes in tears of sorrow, amid some fiery trial
These words are whispered haltingly and faint.
Oft’ times they’re almost shouted in vibrant tones of joy
Without the slightest effort or restraint – thank You Lord. read more


political correctnessPolitical correctness in all we do and say
And anti-discrimination, are the order of our day.
Now Christmas is being stripped of every spiritual connotation
Lest someone should be offended to think of us as a Christian nation.

If we take the Christ from Christmas what is left to make us glad?
If all we have is MAS it is meaningless and sad!
The sinless Babe who was born in Bethlehem’s manger was God’s own Son.
Just stop and think what we would have missed if Jesus had not come read more


foot of the crossDear child, this time of darkness and trial
Through which you are passing
Is the valley of loss.
I keep your tears. I treasure your trust
As you pour out your grief
At the foot of the cross.

There is One who has trodden this valley before you,
Relinquishing all
As He suffered and died
Becoming a living way of redemption
For all His beloved.
He walks by your side. read more


As time goes byrememberf better days
And life flows ever onward
We often pause to think of better days;
Of those we held and loved in happy moments
Before there came a parting of the ways.

God hold us stillThrough bitter-sweet remembrance
Of some dear smile upon a well-loved face,
Until we come to joyous glad reunion
Eternally, in heaven’s meeting place. read more


The night is dark
The way is long
And pain has silenced
My joyful song,
But over and under
The thrust of the sword
Echoes this certainty –
Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is Lord when the sun is high
On a cloudless day in a clear blue sky.
Jesus is Lord when the storm clouds roll
And release their tempest
Within my soul. read more

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