He is risen Jesus livesThe flowers of God’s creation
Live out their little day.
They bless us with their beauty
And quickly fade away,
And from their seeds or cuttings
New blossoms soon unfold,
And in their sweet renewal
A deeper truth is told.

The fairest Flower of heaven
Was planted on this earth.
He blessed us with His goodness
From the moment of His birth.
We took Him and we crushed Him.
His sinless blood we shed.
We turned our backs and scorned Him
And gave Him up as dead. read more


Father forgive them
Father forgive them

They dragged Him out through the city gates.
I saw the women crying.
I heard the jeers that fell like blows
On this One they were crucifying.

Compelled to carry His own cross
He fell beneath the weight,
No doubt weakened through loss of blood
And wounds of spiteful hate. read more

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